Learning how to be a STRONG
Accelerated Student
in Rm 2165!
HINT BOX : During your learning, you will be responsible for updating your classmates & teacher on your movement throughout each challenge! Don't worry... Its EASY!
Student TrackingResponsibilities:
(1) Only Update your Name Changing other information will result in a meeting with the teacher (2) Use the Color Coding System to Communicate GREEN = This Level is 100% DONE and I have moved forward! BLUE = This Level is what I am currently working on! ORANGE = I need a Teacher Signature YELLOW = I have a question, but it can wait if you are busy! RED = I have a question & can NOT move forward without help! |
HINT BOX : See the image below? That is called a GRID. You also have a copy on the back of your packet!
Throughout your time in class, you will be using a Grid to learn new content, complete activities, & track your success!
Throughout your time in class, you will be using a Grid to learn new content, complete activities, & track your success!
I want to educate my community now
that I am an expert! |
LEVEL 4 : I understand those around me have helped me be a successful student!
Level 3: I understand the Retake Policy and how my growth as a whole student is the focus of my time in this class!
Level 2 : I understand the grading scale and am logged into the supportive Tech Tools for this class
Level 1 : I understand the
aspects of a Grid I will be utilizing for the rest of the School Year! |